
QR Code Menu: Make Restaurant Menu QR Codes for Safe Dining in 2022

You can use QR Code menus in restaurants as a contactless alternative to physical menus. Find out how to create QR Code menus with a menu builder, with and without a PDF. Discover creative examples of QR Code menus in action.

Monika Adarsh

Last Updated:  July 16, 2024

Get started with a QR Code menu solution for your restaurant

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9 responses to “QR Code Menu: Make Restaurant Menu QR Codes for Safe Dining in 2022”

  1. gamefic says:

    this is great stuff.. I like the ability to insert logo in the Qr center. Currently I am using dev.e-menu.co , which is great for managing the menu on the fly, but doesn;t have a logo embedded.

  2. Venkatesh P says:

    QR Code menus are here to stay. The question however is how quickly companies like yours innovate and help build a seamless experience for guests.

  3. Raghu says:

    Good job on putting together inspirations and examples for restaurants to replicate. QR Code menu is an important step towards making restaurants safe.

  4. Shardwali Singh says:

    Great Read Monika! I used to find paper menu not so hygienic even before Covid but post Covid I would definitely like to have options of QR code menu.

    • I agree. The pandemic has recalibrated consumer habits in ways we never imagined. Not just QR Code menus, but a lot of other contactless solutions are on the rise. And from what we gather, this is NOT a temporary shift. Hygiene and safety as a value additions are permanent shifts.

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